Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

It's Thanksgiving morning and I just got off work.  I love Thanksgiving morning, my wife and I have turned it into a tradition that we work together to get the feast ready together. I cut the celery and the green onions while she fixed some cinnamon muffins, then she preps the dressing while I prep the bird, then we stuff the turkey and put in the oven and clean up together.  This meal is really not a bad one to do, we do much more complicated meals.   After the turkey is in the oven we have several hours to relax and do some fun stuff, like read or write or play video games or call home.  We don't normally travel on Thanksgiving, deciding a long time ago to make the tradition for our children here.  4 sets of parents to visit becomes a logistical nightmare so we just stopped and hope they will visit us occasionally.  

My wife already has a lot of our Christmas decorations up and my daughter is home from college, so the house feels very warm and cosy.   Kristi loves Christmas and I stopped fighting her on decorating before Thanksgiving about 7 or 8 years ago, and it does make for a very cheerful atmosphere in the house.  The pictures don't really do them justice, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.  She has stuff all over the house and I have to say I've grown to like it.  Even before Thanksgiving.

I'm thankful for so many things.  My family's health, I have a great job and nice house, a great internet connection!  My parents are still living, I have family all over the country.  My half-brother just found me on facebook the other day.  We grew up on opposite ends of the country and haven't had all that much contact but he has a beautiful family and I wish we lived closer together.  

I'm thankful that I found the spark that makes me want to write and blog.  I get a lot of enjoyment out of both and if you had told me ten years ago I wouldn't have believed you.  I'm getting close to finishing the rewrite on my first novel and will be sending it off to my alpha readers soon.  

I'm thankful for social media for widening my world and bringing me into contact with so many interesting and wonderful people.  I know there is a lot of turmoil in the world right now and the economy is in a downturn but that is the way the economy works.  We mucked with it too much in the last 25 years and have to pay the piper at some point.  The thought that we could actually stop the economy of our country from being cyclical is just plain huberous.  It may get worse in the short term but it will get better.  This is the best time to be alive in the history of mankind for so many reasons.  We need to have faith that it will continue to improve in the aggregate.   Guess the economist in me is showing.  

I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and a prosperous Black Friday!

Clear Ether!


  1. There were delicious.=) I bet your Thanksgiving dinner is amazing Ivy!

  2. Sounds like you have a nice system going with both of you working on the meal. I hate to cook, and my husband avoids it. Needless to say, big meals don't happen very often in this household. So when our friend - who LOVES to cook - invites us for Thanksgiving, we go! We'll be there for Christmas, too. At least she's only an hour away.

    We'll be putting the tree up this weekend, though. I just can't believe how fast this year went by!


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The Wordpress blog has been alive about the same length of time as this one, but my impression as I move forward is Wordpress will be a...