I’m actively compiling this list to benefit
writers of varying levels of immersion in the waters of authordom, to help us
look less stupid or simply to help you navigate the world of writing a little
more confidently. I am taking suggestions to add to this list, it's not
complete by any stretch. I am particularly interested in ‘writer-culture’
words. Or, perhaps you disagree with my definition. I’d like to hear about that
as well.
Plot Devices and literary words
Alien Space Bats - The
term was originally used as a sarcastic attack on poorly written alternate
histories due to lack of plausibility to create improbably plot divergences.
Also refers to the use of Deus ex Machina in the form of Ancient Aliens.
Backronym - Same
as an acronym but the word came first and the meaning behind the letters
followed after.
Big Dumb Object (BDO) - The
science fiction term refers to any mysterious object
(usually of extraterrestrial or unknown origin and immense power) in a story
which generates an intense sense of wonder just by being there. For example the
Monoliths in 2001 A Space Odyssey, or The Void Ship in Doctor Who.
Starr dialogue - Long
sections of talk with no physical background or description of the characters.
Such dialogue, detached from the story’s setting, tends to echo hollowly, as if
suspended in mid-air. Named for the American comic-strip in which dialogue
balloons were often seen emerging from the Manhattan skyline.
Detective” Syndrome - This useful term is taken from SF’s cousin-genre, the detective-pulp. The
hack writers of the Mike Shayne series showed an odd reluctance to use Shayne’s
proper name, preferring such euphemisms as “the burly detective” or “the
red-headed sleuth.” This syndrome arises from a wrong-headed conviction that
the same word should not be used twice in close succession. This is only true
of particularly strong and visible words, such as “vertiginous.” Better to
re-use a simple tag or phrase than to contrive cumbersome methods of avoiding
Name Fever - Use
of brand name alone, without accompanying visual detail, to create false
verisimilitude. You can stock a future with Hondas and Sonys and IBM’s and
still have no idea with it looks like.
a Rabbit a Smeerp"
- A cheap technique for false exoticism, in which common elements of the
real world are re-named for a fantastic milieu without any real alteration in
their basic nature or behavior. “Smeerps” are especially common in fantasy
worlds, where people often ride exotic steeds that look and act just like
horses. (Attributed to James Blish.)
Chekhov's gun - "One
must not put a loaded rifle on the stage if no one is thinking of firing
it." – Anton Chekhov, letter to Aleksandr Semenovich Lazarev (pseudonym of A. S. Gruzinsky), 1 November 1889. It is a
metaphor for a plot device or foreshadowing, which if shown or discussed should
be used later.
Deus Ex Machina - Latin
for: God from the machine. This device goes all the way back to ancient Greece,
where a problem in the story is solved by the sudden invention of something
that saves the day. It’s often criticized as lacking imagination on
the part of the author, as it often violates the internal logic of a story.
- Useless
ornament in prose, such as fancy sesquipedalian Latinate words where short
clear English ones will do. Novice authors sometimes use “gingerbread” in the
hope of disguising faults and conveying an air of refinement. (Attr. Damon
Head Hopping - Moving from one POV to another in the same scene without
a scene break.
MacGuffin - "[We] have a name in the studio, and we call it the
'MacGuffin'. It is the mechanical element that usually crops up in any story.
In crook stories it is almost always the necklace and in spy stories it is most
always the papers." -- Alfred Hitchcock
A plot device that provides the initial
motivation for a character, and it may or may not end up coming back into the
story at the end.
Simultaneous - The mis-use of the present
participle is a common structural sentence-fault for beginning writers.
“Putting his key in the door, he leapt up the stairs and got his revolver out
of the bureau.” Alas, our hero couldn’t do this even if his arms were forty
feet long. This fault shades into “Ing Disease,” the tendency to pepper
sentences with words ending in “-ing,” a grammatical construction which tends
to confuse the proper sequence of events. (Attr. Damon Knight)
Pathetic Fallacy - A literary term for the attributing of human
emotion and conduct to all aspects within nature. It is a kind of
personification that is found in poetic writing when, for example, clouds seem
sullen, when leaves dance, when dogs laugh, or when rocks seem indifferent.
Quibble - A plot device where the exact verbal directions are
followed to the letter but avoid its intended meaning, such as: A deal with the
Devil, or Genie Wishes, or in The Lord of the Rings, Glorfindel's prophecy states that "not by the hand of man will
the Witch-king of Angmar fall." The Witch-king is slain by Éowyn, a woman.
Words - Words
used to evoke a cheap emotional response without engaging the intellect or the
critical faculties. Commonly found in story titles, they include such bits of
bogus lyricism as “star,” “dance,” “dream,” “song,” “tears” and “poet,” clichés
calculated to render the SF audience misty-eyed and tender-hearted.
Red herring - A
false clue that leads the characters toward an inaccurate conclusion within the
plot of a story, considered to be the opposite of Chekhov’s Gun. The Chewbacca
Defense is starting to come into the lexicon as a famous Red Herring It refers
to a South Park episode and refers to using something so patently absurd that
it makes no sense and creates confusion.
Red Shirt
- Expendable, refers to the crewmen of the TV Series Star Trek who were often
killed during a mission.
Retroactive continuity or Retcon - An
alteration of facts about a story that already been published in order to
accommodate a sequel or prequel, or simply to correct errors in the original
chronology of events. Commonly used in Comic Books and Pulp Fiction.
Retronym -
A neologism that gives a new name
to an old object because of some development that requires clarification, such
as Acoustic Guitar after the Electric Guitar was developed.
Disease - The ludicrous
overuse of far-fetched adjectives, piled into a festering, fungal, tenebrous,
troglodytic, ichorous, leprous, synonymic heap. (Attr. John W. Campbell)
Bookism - An
artificial verb used to avoid the word “said.” “Said” is one of the few invisible
words in the English language and is almost impossible to overuse. It is much
less distracting than “he retorted,” “she inquired,” “he ejaculated,” and other
oddities. The term “said-book” comes from certain pamphlets, containing
hundreds of purple-prose synonyms for the word “said,” which were sold to
aspiring authors from tiny ads in American magazines of the pre-WWII era.
- Needless repeating of a word or idea, such as 'final result.'
The Tommy Westphall Universe Hypothesis - A
character from television series St Elsewhere who, in the last episode was seen
waking up and the entire series was in his imagination. Refers to using the “it
was all a dream” idea to end a story.
General Terms
Active Voice - Writing where the subject of the sentence is carrying
out action.
Advanced Reader Copy, printed before the actual print run on a new book.
Auxiliary or Helping verb - A verb that goes with another verb (have or do.)
Back Matter - Back pages of a book that have appendixes, indexes and endnotes.
Bastard Title - Optional first page of a book containing only the title
and nothing else.
Blank Verse - Unrhymed poetry, very popular in current writing circles.
Block Quote - A quotation set off from the main text (usually indented)
and NOT surrounded by quotes.
Bluelines - Final proofs that offer a last chance to make changes.
Boilerplate - Standard text used in multiple documents with little or
no change, usually referring to contract language.
Bubble - The circle that surrounds editors comments.
Chicago Style - The preferred method used by The Chicago Manual of Style
- style guide for writing.
Cliché -
An expression or idea that is so overused that the meaning is weakened, more
commonly used today to mean stereotypical or predictable.
Clip - A sample of work.
Conventions - Mechanical correctness, spelling, grammar, usage,
indenting, capitals, and punctuation.
Dead Copy
- Final edited Manuscript that is used to proof typesetting (less commonly used
with software.)
Draft - Preliminary version of a piece that will likely require
revision and editing.
Editing -
Proof reading for mechanical features of writing, spelling, punctuation, etc.
- … there are several methods to show this in manuscript, check with your
editor or agent on how to show these.
Em Dash - a style of showing a break in thought. Style manuals show
2 and 2 em dashes and their uses.
Fair Use -
Allowing copying of short portions of copyrighted material for educational or
review purposes.
Forward -
Introductory statement in the front matter written by someone other than the
Front Matter - Printed material at the start of a book including title
page, table of contents and dedications.
Front Piece - A page in the front matter facing the title page, usually
containing an illustration and often on different card stock.
Galley - The first printed version (proof) of a document.
GLB - Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual.
H/H -
Hero and Heroine (A couple in a romance novel.)
Happily ever after (used in the romance genre.)
het - Heterosexual
HFN - Happy for Now (used in the romance genre for how the story
Hook - The important part of a work at the beginning that captures
a reader's interest.
House Style - Preferred editorial style of a publisher.
Imprint -
A branding name used by a publisher for books they release, one publisher may
have several.
ISBN - Unique number assigned to each book by a publisher, now a
13 digit number, not necessarily required by self-publication.
Lead or Lede - The first couple of lines of a story.
- Special characters formed by combining two or more letters, such as æ.
- A brief description of a piece, usually a teaser.
MC -
Main Character.
Meme -
Pronounced ‘meem’ - an idea, belief or system of beliefs that spreads among a
NaNoWriMo - Pronounced ‘Nah No Rye Moe’, National Novel Writing Month, a 50k word
writing challenge for the month of November.
- A new word or expression.
On Acceptance - Payment received only when the editor accepts the final
On Publication - Payment received only when the MS is published.
On Spec
- A submission accepted without obligation to publish it.
Orphan or Widow - First line of a paragraph that appears at the bottom of a
page by itself.
Parenthetical - Using these (), still acceptable but falling out of use
in fiction.
Passive Voice - A sentence where the subject is being acted upon instead
of doing the action.
Pitch -
A short description of a piece.
POD - Print on Demand.
Point of view - the perspective of the story, 1st person.
Preface -
Introductory statement in the front matter written by the AUTHOR.
Prewriting - Invention, Brainstorming, Researching, Plotting, Outlining, Character
development, in other words, things done before starting on the first draft.
Proof -
A trial sheet printed to be checked and corrected; a galley is the first proof.
Query -
A sales letter showcasing writing style, usually limited in length to 1 or 2
Reproduction Proof - A high quality proof for final review before printing.
Revising -
Making structural or content changes to a draft.
- The Percentage of book sales paid to the author by the publisher.
Run-on Sentence - A sentence containing two or more independent clauses
improperly joined or simply too long.
Serial Comma - Comma preceding 'and' or 'or' in a list of items.
Show Don't Tell - Writing in a manner that allows the reader to experience
the story through the description of actions, thought, senses and feelings
rather than through exposition or summary.
Stet - Proofreading
mark indicating that the editing marks should be ignored and the text displayed
as the original (let it stand.)
- A longer description of a piece, usually including all the secrets and how
the story ends, these can be different lengths for different purposes, usually
in the range of 2 pages for agent submission.
Trim or Boil - To reduce the length of a story.
Vanity Press or Publisher - Where the author pays to have their work published and
covers all out of pocket expenses themselves.
Voice (Author's Voice) - The personality of the writer coming through the words.
Work in progress, usually the current project being written.
YA -
Young Adult genre.
Editing terms or abbreviations
American Suburban Gated-Community McCastles - Castle or palace settings where
royals don't actually act like royals and answer the door themselves, dress
themselves, etc.
awk -
Awkward sentence or phrase.
cap -
Delete the grimace.
Floating Body Parts, using description in a way that gives action to the
character/person, not his/her independent body parts, like 'Her eyes roamed the
room' or giving people smiles.
frag -
Sentence Fragment.
gr -
Grammar error.
ital -
lc -
lower case.
MS - Manuscript.
mss -
manuscript formatting.
nc or ?
- Not clear or confusing.
p - Punctuation.
P E -
Printer's Error.
R O -
Run-on sentence.
ref -
Pronoun antecedent is unclear.
Resist the urge to explain.
SDT - Show, Don't tell.
sp -
Spelling Error.
ss - Sentence structure error.
t -
Incorrect Verb tense.
Tr -
Transposition error.
Character acting Too Stupid To Live.
UC -
Upper Case.
wc -
Word Choice.
Grammar Terms (Just a little refresher)
Alliteration - A series of words all beginning with the same letter or
- A word or phrase formed by transposing the letters of another word or phrase.
Antecedent - A word or phrase that is referred to by a pronoun.
Clause -
A complete phrase containing a noun and verb that is part of a compound
Complex Sentence - A sentence containing an independent clause and one or
more dependent clauses.
Compound Sentence - A sentence containing two or more clauses separated by
'and', 'but' or 'or'.
Gerund -
A form of verb acting as a noun and ending in 'ing', like 'acting' (present
Homograph - Words spelled the same but pronounced differently and having different
Homonym -
Word spelled and pronounced the same way but with different meaning.
Hyperbole - Extravagant and deliberate exaggeration.
Idiom -
A phrase peculiar to one geographic area or group of people.
Imperative - A word used as a command; Go.
Independent Clause - A group of words containing a subject, verb, and if
necessary, an object, that can stand alone as a sentence.
Indirect Object - The object preceding the direct object that tells to
whom or for whom the verb is acting, such as 'me' in 'He sold me'.
Interrogative Pronoun - A pronoun used to ask a question, What, Which, Where,
Whom, Whose, etc.
Intransitive Verb - A verb that doesn't need a direct object, such as 'she
Metaphor -
A phrase comparing two unalike things WITHOUT using 'like' or 'as'.
Onomatopoeia - Use of Words whose pronunciation sounds like their
meaning, like Buzz or Hiss.
Oxymoron -
Phrase consisting of words with contradictory meaning, military intelligence.
Palindrome - A
phrase or word that reads the same forward or backward.
Participle - A verb form ending in 'ing' or 'ed' that can be used as an
Personification - Giving human traits to non-human objects.
Predicate - Part of a sentence, excluding the subject, that tells about the
Restrictive Clause - A subordinate clause essential to the meaning of the
sentence and which does not require a coma preceding it.
Sentence Splice - connecting two independent clauses with a comma.
Simile -
Comparing two similar things using 'like' or 'as'
Split Infinitive - A verb form where an adverb or phrase comes between the
'to' and the verb.
Subordinating Conjunction - A conjunction such as 'although, because, since, while'
that precedes a subordinate clause.
Transitive Verb - A verb that requires a direct object, 'he threw the
Page Set-up or Style words
Curly Quotes - Special Quotation marks slanted toward the quote (smart
Deck -
The sentence or two under the title of a book.
Folio -
The page number on a page; blind folio has no page number but counts in the
page count.
Kerning -
Adjusting the space between characters.
- Adjusting space between lines of text.
N - Short for number.
Nut Graf
- The paragraph right after the hook which explains an article.
Plate -
A full page illustration, often on higher grade paper or different color.
Running Head - A title that is repeated at the top of every page.
Sink -
Distance from the top of a printed page to the first element on that page.
Slug Line
- ALL CAPS - location and time of day.
Todd, this is extremely useful! Great idea to put it together, and bravo to you for compiling it. (So THAT'S what "kerning" means!)
ReplyDeleteI'm happy to see that someone actually read it. =) Thanks!
DeleteTodd, this is a wonderful list, even for those of us (like me) who don't write SciFi. I've bookmarked it. Thanks for visiting my blog. Have a great day.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I replied to your comment on my blog, but I'm not sure how often you visit it. Re: the mystery series you liked in the 70s might have been the Three Investigators series by Robert Arthur. Similar to the Hardy Boys, but different, too. Check it out, and good luck. It's really satisfying to re-read books you liked long ago.